


皇冠8868会员登录 Valley College recognizes that students have a right of freedom of expression in the classroom and protection from improper, arbitrary or capricious academic evaluation 他们的期末成绩证明了这一点. 这项政策承认了这些保护.

The college shall develop and update, appropriate statements, regulations, and procedures 等待总统内阁的批准. 董事会委托董事长或其指定人员 the responsibility for defining, describing, developing and administering a student 学术申诉程序.




The student 学术申诉程序 protects student freedom of expression in the classroom and protects each student from improper, arbitrary, or capricious academic 以学生最终课程成绩为依据的评估.

A. 条件


  1. Cannot grieve federal and state laws, rules, and regulations, in addition to policies, 由国家社区和技术委员会通过的规章和程序 大学.
  2. Shall use the college 过程 for grievances pertaining to any discrimination, including 性别歧视或基于残疾的歧视.

B. 学术申诉定义

An 学术不满 shall refer to a claim by a student that an instructor has done 下列一项或多项:

  1. Assigned a specific grade that is the result of an arbitrary application of otherwise 有效的学术评价标准.
  2. 用武断的标准来评价学生的学业进步.
  3. Took an improper action or made a 决定 that adversely affects the student’s academic 任性的以武断或反复无常的方式站立的.
  4. Reached a clearly erroneous 决定 or took a clearly erroneous action that adversely 影响学生的学术地位.

有学术投诉的学生应遵循非正式学术投诉 resolution procedures and timelines listed below and document the informal academic resolution steps taken on the student 学术不满 petition form which is available 在学生服务副校长办公室(VPSS)或网上.

C. 非正式的学生学术申诉解决程序

第一步: 与教职员会面.

  1. Use the informal academic resolution procedure as a first step in all academic complaints.
  2. Meet with the instructor of the class to attempt resolving the dispute promptly and fairly during the quarter in which a class is being taken and/or upon receipt of the 课程成绩.
  3. Meet with the instructor who assigned the grade and use the meeting to clarify the 感知到的问题,并要求采取具体的行动来解决它.
  4. 如果会议的结果是可以接受的,不要采取进一步的行动.

第二步: 与院长或项目主管见面.

  1. If there is no resolution at step one above, the student meets with the appropriate 系主任或项目主任.
  2. 在那次会议上,院长或项目主管将试图找到一个解决方案 学术上的抱怨.
  3. 如果会议的结果是可以接受的,不要采取进一步的行动.

第三步: 与教学副总裁(VPI)会面.

  1. 如果在上述第二步没有解决,学生与VPI会面.
  2. At that meeting, the VPI will attempt to find a resolution to 学术上的抱怨.
  3. VPI验证已采取的所有非正式学术解决步骤.
  4. 如果会议的结果是可以接受的,不要采取进一步的行动.
  5. 如果不能接受,VPI会通知VPSS协助学生完成正式申请 学术决议程序.

如果非正式的学术申诉解决程序不成功,正式的 解决程序必须不迟于开始后15个日历日启动 下一个学期,不包括夏季学期.

D. 正式的学生学术申诉解决程序

第一步: 与学术规管委员会开会.

  1. The VPSS or executive assistant helps the student through the entire 学术不满 过程.
  2. The VPSS or executive assistant meets with the student to assist the student in understanding 学术申诉程序和时间表.
  3. The VPSS or executive assistant helps the student prepare a written 学术不满 开始正式的学术申诉程序.
    1. 学生学业申诉应提供所采取行动的摘要 由学生自行解决学业上的委屈到此为止.
    2. 学生学业申诉请愿书应注明所获成绩和所获奖学金 reason for the 学术不满; specifying all necessary performance scores and 适当的出勤数据.
    3. The student 学术不满 petition should provide a possible solution as proposed 由学生提出.
  4. The student must contact the VPSS to begin the formal resolution 过程 within the first 15 calendar days of the subsequent academic quarter the grieved grade was assigned, excluding summer quarter and provide the VPSS with a copy of the student’s written 学术不满.
  5. Within three calendar days of receipt of the student’s written 学术不满, the VPSS informs the faculty member and the appropriate 系主任或项目主任 已经提出了学术申诉.

E. 正式的学生学术申诉会议程序

第一步: 学生学术申诉会议.

  1. The 学术不满 meeting is held within five calendar days upon receipt of the student 学术不满 petition at a time that considers the needs of the student, 教员、院长和/或项目主任以及委员会成员.
  2. VPSS联合主席:
    1. 确定会议的时间和地点.
    2. 指导行政助理确保学生和教职员工 receive copies of the student’s written 学术不满 and if available, the faculty 会员的书面答复和院长/项目主任的报告.
  3. 这次会议是非公开会议,不被视为正式听证会. 诉讼 of the student-initiated 学术不满 remain closed unless all parties agree 公开诉讼. 不允许录音.
  4. Attending the meeting are: members of the Academic Regulations Committee (ARC), student, the faculty member concerned (if the faculty member chooses to attend), dean or program 局长,任何支持证人的事件是悲伤的,应要求 student, and any additional people called to assist the committee in reaching a prompt, 公正解决学生学业上的委屈,期间也会出席 证词.
  5. The executive assistant provides each ARC member with a copy of the complete academic 申诉文件.
  6. The ARC will review background information and ensure they understand the student’s written 学术不满 and the procedures that will be followed during the meeting.
  7. 学生被邀请进去解释他们在学术上的不满. ARC可能会问问题 为澄清. 在问答环节结束后,学生可以 是原谅.
  8. 邀请教师和/或院长/项目主任(如果在场)做出回应 对学生的学业不满. ARC可能会提出问题进行澄清. Upon completion of the question and answer period the faculty member and/or dean/program 主任不在场.

第二步: 学术申诉决定.

  1. After the committee has heard the 学术不满 it arrives at a 决定 prior 在休会.
  2. 一项决定由出席成员的简单多数表决通过.
  3. The VPSS writes the letter informing the student and the faculty member of the committee’s 在作出决定后五个日历日内作出决定.

第三步: 学术申诉解决方案.


  1. The faculty co-chair of the ARC consults with the instructor of record to determine 一个年级或院长/项目主管恢复学生在项目中的资格.
  2. Subsequently, the VPSS acting as the representative of the ARC directs the registration 如适用,办公室可以更改学生成绩单上的成绩.
  3. 注册官发送学生更新的成绩单(如果适用).

步骤四: 学生对ARC决定的上诉.

  1. 学生 may not appeal a 决定 of the committee by resubmitting a student academic grievance petition form without additional new information that may affect the previous 决定.

第五步: 学生正当程序上诉.

  1. 上诉学生:根据正当程序提出上诉的学生:
    1. 将上诉决定通知VPSS.
    2. 上诉委员会的正当程序,以VPSS在五个日历天内 收到信.
    3. 准备一份书面上诉给总统,说明为什么ARC的决定是正确的 在学术申诉会议期间没有提供正当程序.
  2. VPSS:
    1. Informs the VPI of the appeal and provides the president with a copy of the student’s 学术申诉档案.
    2. 作为总统和ARC之间的联络人.
    3. Reviews the 学术不满 meeting proceedings to ensure that the student receives 通过学术申诉程序的正当程序.
  3. 总统决定是否符合正当程序,并通知VPSS. If the president determines 没有遵循正当程序, the president informs the VPSS, 谁来通知ARC的教员联席主席.
  4. 主席在接到通知后的10个日历日内重新召集委员会 没有遵循正当程序.
  5. The committee reviews the student’s 学术不满 and takes the appropriate steps 纠正正当程序的缺陷.
  6. 主席审查委员会的行动.
  7. The VPSS informs the student and the faculty member of the 决定 within five calendar days.
  8. 在解决学生的正当程序的权利,没有进一步的学生上诉 学院提供.


